Since 2013 World Aid Convoy has been providing Food Packs to widows and most needy families on a monthly basis, each pack only costs £20 each and lasts about a month.
Prophet S.A.W said “He who provides for the breaking of the Siyam (Fasting/Iftar) of another person earns the same reward as the one who was observing Siyam, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter.” (Tirmidhi)
Alhamdulillah with your help and generous donations thousands of orphans, widows, and most needy families benefited from the Ramadhan Food Packs and Cooked Iftar Meals in Syria (Bilad al Sham), Yemen and Djibouti (East Africa).
Please remember the oppressed in your Duas and please continue to donate generously to help feed the orphans, widows & most needy families throughout the year.